Sunday, January 21, 2024

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Replace "Catholics" with "Lutherans" and the same was true

 Until the middle of the 20th century, it was assumed by most Catholics that most (if not all) non-Catholics were destined for eternal hellfire. ... Catholics felt a duty to work for the conversion of non-Catholics ... Catholics were wary of becoming too culturally close to non-Catholics. “Mixed marriages” were verboten, and Catholics tended to live together in small neighborhoods (the Catholic “ghetto”) in order to protect the faith of their impressionable children.


Thursday, January 11, 2024

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine's veto of a bill banning transgender surgeries for children has been overridden by the Ohio House

 The vote was an overwhelming override: 65-28.

The Ohio Senate takes up the matter next.

Story here.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

America's amusing smorgasbord of religious, social, and political beliefs according to Real Clear, ranked, annotated

Percent who believe in, believe that, say that, are, et cetera, per Real Clear Opinion Research, here:


Religious freedom is a fundamental human right 93.8 (this idea was foreign to ancient Israel, Greece, Rome, Christian Europe, and the era of the Muslim conquests, to name just a few)
God 85.4 (name not indicated)
Heaven 84.7 (John Lennon most hurt)
Healthcare is a fundamental human right 83.7 (the propaganda of the ObamaCare era worked)
Miracles 83.0 (Justin Amash fooled the people 5 times, Peter Meijer only once)
"In God We Trust" 83.0 ("In Fiat Money We Trust" was too long)
Jesus is God or Son of God 80.3 (thanks to not being aborted by the Holy Virgin Mary)
Hell 72.4 (San Francisco, New York City, Portland, et cetera)
The Devil 70.3 (yeah baby, drugs, sex, and rock and roll)
A woman and her doctor should get to decide whether to have an abortion 63.4 (vaccination highly recommended)
Ghosts 61.4 (unstated whether they are tiny baby ghosts or not)
Aliens 56.9 (oddly explains the southern border)
God is male 50.0 (Jesus is shocked, shocked, I tell you)
Reincarnation 47.7 (belief in Hinduism is dead last 0.5% ha ha ha ha ha, see below)
Witches 45.8 (strongly believed in Michigan methinks)
Prejudice against Jews is a very serious problem in the US 42.6 (because the Jews run everything)
2020 Joe Biden 38.6 (voting by mail multiple times or in person not specified)
Protestant 36.3 (prejudice problem 17.3)
2020 Donald Trump 34.6 (not everything deserves a comment)
Democrat Party 33.6
Republican Party 32.8
Never attend religious service 29.2 (makes sense given these results)
Prejudice against Muslims is a very serious problem in the US 29.1 (because of what they did on Oct 7)
God is neither male nor female 27.5 (0.9% of respondents also neither male nor female)
2020 didn't vote 24.8 (thank God) 
Catholic 22.0 (prejudice problem 14.9)
Independent party 21.4
Attend religious service once a week 19.5 (as good as it gets for category)
No religion 19.4
Prejudice against Evangelical Christians is a very serious problem in the US 17.3
Prejudice against Hindus is a very serious problem in the US 16.2 (but, but reincarnation)
Prejudice against atheists is a very serious problem in the US 15.7
Prejudice against Catholics is a very serious problem in the US 14.9
God is female 14.1
Not registered to vote 12.1

Atheist 3.8 (prejudice problem 15.7)
Agnostic 3.7
Other religion 3.3
Islamic 3.2 (prejudice problem 29.1)
Mormon 2.9
2020 voted for other 2.0
Judaism 1.9 (prejudice problem 42.6)
Buddhist 1.6
Orthodox 1.3 (Rod Dreher)
Hindu 0.5 (prejudice problem 16.2)
People clearly believe that some groups, to paraphrase Barack Obama in 2012 about the Danes, the Dutch, the Norwegians, the Irish, and the Filipinos, seem to get punched far out of proportion with their weight in the culture. 
Results discussed here, where this is surely wrong, leaving out the little word "not" in a crucial spot at the end:

Most Americans also remain deeply respectful of the country’s religious roots. A strong majority of respondents – 83% – believe the phrase “In God we trust” should remain on U.S. currency and coins, compared to 17% who back the phrase’s removal.

“Republicans felt more strongly that the phrase should remain compared to Democrats, with 91% believing the phrase should [not] be removed, compared to 78% of Democrats,” Kimball said.     

In 2011 former Republican Justin Amash (MI-3) joined eight Democrats to vote against "In God We Trust", which in his first term was a sign of things to come in his last.



Monday, January 8, 2024

Larry Norman evidently took "Why should the devil have all the good music" and his anti-middle class stance directly from The Salvation Army of 1880

 Such stories [of its militancy] were common in the early decades of the Salvation Army. Whatever the Booths and their soldiers were, they were not content with a genteel and respectable Christianity that fit snugly into the cultural milieu of the day. William Booth once said, “The great curse of the church is respectability. Throw reputation and so-called respectability overboard.”  Despite using common and popular forms – such as the military metaphor and changing words of popular songs (“Why should the devil have all the best tunes?” Salvationists often asked) – the Army subverted expectations of what Christians should be and took much criticism. 


Larry Norman's spiritual movement was quickly co-opted by the business of Christian music in just the same way that the Salvation Army's specifically religious character came to be swallowed up by its charitable business. 

There is nothing new under the sun.



Thursday, January 4, 2024

Hero priest almost instantly excommunicated in Livorno, Italy for calling Pope Francis the anti-pope, a usurper, and a mason

 From the story here:

Jesting, he said he received the decree of excommunication Jan. 1, and that “It’s nice, it’s really nice. It’s written well, very precise.”

“In the decree there are specific citations of canon law, which appear as such when it is necessary to strike a priest who shouts the truth, but for defending the Throne of Peter, it doesn’t exist,” he said.

Guidetti referred to a band of red that runs along the top of the decree, saying red is “the color of martyrdom, of blood, of witness.”

“It is a beautiful picture; I’ll make a nice frame for it and hang it on the wall. It will be something I will gladly brag about,” he said, but admitted that he feels “a little bitterness for this blindness and harshness on the part of one who should be a mother, the church, which should be maternal, and who in reality is a tyrant.”