Monday, September 13, 2010

Dummkopf Bill Frezza Blames Carnage on Christmas

Apparently unable to calculate the enormous numbers of people killed by modern Enlightenment ideologies in the last century, a supposed expert of the shop and till variety decides that monotheism is to blame for all our ills and that we should go back to the days of gods, goddesses, human sacrifice and free love:

For a movement sharing a common heritage claiming peace and love, monotheism seems to do a remarkable job stirring up hatred.

What is it about the business models of these institutions that foment such torrents of violence? What other large scale human endeavor, besides the nation-state, has so much blood on its hands? And not just lately. This has been going on for thousands of years.

"Besides the nation-state"? He must be kidding. Nevermind that the world's last bastion of Christianity interceded to bring an end to the worst war yet only after it was attacked.

Remind me to invest my money with someone who can count.