Tuesday, October 11, 2011

William McGurn Must Be A Shill For The Homosexual Lobby

To William McGurn for The Wall Street Journal, Christian evangelical objections to the heretical theology of Mitt Romney's Mormonism are equivalent to incidents of homosexual intimidation and violence against Mormonism, except McGurn never mentions the words "homosexual" or "gay" when referencing these attacks, all of which were committed against Mormons by queers, and queer lovers, not Christians, here:

[F]ar more alarming for Mormons are the attacks on Mormon property and Mormon livelihoods just three years ago that registered barely a peep among the same media now so obsessed with Mr. Jeffress. These attacks happened during the 2008 campaign in California over Proposition 8, a state referendum to ban same-sex marriage. When opponents of the measure found that Mormons had contributed heavily to its passage, ugly attacks followed.

LDS temples in Los Angeles and Salt Lake City received envelopes filled with white powder, provoking an anthrax scare. A Book of Mormon was burned outside an LDS chapel in Denver. Other Mormon chapels were vandalized.

Individuals fared even worse. The head of the Los Angeles Film Festival was forced to resign after his contribution was made public. Ditto for a fellow Mormon who ran the California Musical Theater. A former gold medalist who served as U.S. chef de mission for the 2012 Olympic Games in London likewise stepped down. A 67-year-old woman who had donated just $100 stopped working at the restaurant her mother owned to spare it further protest.

If William McGurn had any integrity, he'd admit that Republicans are giving Mormon candidates more than a fair hearing, while Christians welcome Mormon support against the real enemies of America, like homosexuals, but stake their claim against Mormon candidates on the political issues and especially on their propensity to flip-flop on them, which looks like a feature of their religion, as was the case historically both with respect to polygamy and to the status of black people.

What leaves readers wondering is why William McGurn works so hard to hide the homosexuals' attacks on Mormonism, and conflate those attacks with the First Amendment speech of evangelical Christians and Republicans.

We notice there is no Mormon running for president in the Democrat Party. But there might be a Muslim secular humanist.