Rod Dreher blows a gasket because some Catholic parish educators actually resigned! resigned! rather than sign a loyalty oath, here:
Of course this being the Washington Post, the story is written with a liberal bias that distorts the story. Note that “to all the teachings of church leaders” above. That is simply not a factual statement of how the Roman Catholic Church understands itself, or has ever understood itself. For Catholics, the Church has the right to teach authoritatively on faith and morals — an authority that is exercised through its leadership. This is what the Protestant Reformation was about! It is beyond embarrassing that this has to be explained to a reporter for The Washington Post. Then again, it has to be explained to liberal Catholics that they can’t pick and choose what to believe, and remain as Catholics in good standing. This is something I will never understand about modern Catholics. They want to have their church, but only on their own terms. Which is not Catholic.
Oh for the days when the heretics went quietly to the gallows, eh?
Note to Rod Dreher: The educators who resigned aren't Protestants. Protestants don't resign. They stand on their principles until they get excommunicated by Catholics. These teachers, whatever else they are, decided it was more important to back down than do that, however petulantly they may plead their case now in the pages of The Washington Post.
It is beyond embarrassing that this has to be explained to Rod Dreher.
Get a grip buddy.