"[D]o you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God."
-- 1 Cor. 6:9f.
Sex-related arrests = 378,086
(rape 21,407; prostitution 71,355; sex offenses 77,326; offenses against family and children 114,564; runaways 93,434).
Sodomy has been decriminalized in America since 2003, affecting approximately 2% of the population, or 6.3 million gays and lesbians, not counting heterosexual sodomizers. Before 1962 sodomy was a felony in every state. Those born of fornication, that is live births to unmarried women, in 2010 numbered approximately 1,633,471, almost 41% of all births. As for adulterers, there were provisionally 840,000 divorces in 2009, the rate of divorce provisionally averaging 3.6% of the adult population annually over the last seven years, an unknown number of which divorced for cause. The number of marriages has averaged 2.1 million annually over the same period, the number of which committed adultery by doing so also being unknown. Approximately 15 billion condoms were produced worldwide in 2005, 0.9 billion in the USA, for an estimated 530 million total users that year, or 28 each.
Theft-related arrests = 2,544,771
(robbery 126,725; burglary 299,351; larceny-theft 1,334,933; car theft 81,797; forgery-counterfeiting 85,844; fraud 210,255; embezzlement 17,920; buying or receiving stolen property 105,303; arson 12,204; vandalism 270,439).
Alcohol-related arrests = 5,069,927
(DUI 1,440,409; liquor law violations 570,333; drunkenness 594,300; drug abuse 1,663,582; disorderly conduct 655,322; vagrancy 33,388; curfew/loitering 112,593).
Assault arrests = 1,740,673
Murder arrests = 12,418
Weapon violation arrests = 166,334
All other arrests = 3,777,007