Thursday, June 20, 2013

ELCA: Not Evangelical, Not Lutheran, Not A Church

Just "in America".

So says Southern Baptist Al Mohler, noted here 6 June 2013:

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler says the nation’s largest Lutheran body is “not a church.” He says the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America only lives up to a quarter of its name, citing the Southwest California Synod’s election of the first openly gay bishop in the denomination. “It is by this act and by many prior acts distancing itself by light years from the actual faith and conviction of Martin Luther,” Mohler said in a Monday podcast. It has “demonstrated itself to be neither Evangelical nor Lutheran and, as G.K. Chesterton might say, not a church either. That just leaves them in America.”

Mohler contrasted the ELCA with the nation’s second largest Lutheran body, the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, and citing its strict enforcement of historic confessional statements.

Based on the politics of many in the membership, however, even the "in America" is in doubt.

(this post has been updated, repairing a dead link)