Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Anthea Butler, Black Athena, Puts Us In Our Place

"In this age of pseudo parity, when everyone, anyone with a computer can critique one's work and life, what passes for knowledge? We know how to measure the worth of articles and books in the academy. The public has another standard altogether."


Yeah, that's why she turns off access to her Twitter when the natives get restless, which is wholly in keeping with ridding the university of the Great Books and replacing them with the fake books, you know, like those by Martin Bernal. There's no sense reading the old stuff from the past, no sense listening to different political opinions either, or, as Rachel Jeantel might put it: "they old, that’s old school people. We in a new school, our generation, my generation."

All together now: 

"O, come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the goddess, our PhD with tenure, who knows better than we do."