Saturday, August 24, 2013

How Come You Are Poor But Your Pastor Is Rich?

Wage Statistics for 2011 from
Maybe because a fool and his money are soon parted one from the other.

Your average pastor makes enough money before benefits to put him/her/it firmly in the top 10% of net compensation paid in 2011, if the numbers in this story are close to reality:

"How much should we pay our senior pastor? ... Many refer to surveys by the National Association of Church Business Administration and Christianity Today’s Compensation Handbook for Church Staff, both updated regularly. But a Google search on the subject yields endless links — some the results of scientific polls, others a collection of anecdotes. National averages in those surveys range widely — from about $83,000 (not including benefits such as health care insurance and retirement contributions) to about $112,000. But national averages often are less decisive for personnel committees than factors closer to home."


"For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, which made silver shrines for Diana, brought no small gain unto the craftsmen." -- Acts 19:24