Well, the devil was spiritually minded, too.
Though Abraham Lincoln was neither baptized nor joined a church of any kind, he was the most spiritually minded president in American history. His faith was wrought on the anvil of anguish, both personal and national, and because of this he has much to teach us in our own age of anxiety.
Why is it that religious people today are so quick to venerate the American model of authoritarianism, the man who arguably ended the Republic, invaded the South, presided over the mass murder of fellow citizens, set the precedent for the meaninglessness of citizenship in the age of Obama and Anwar al-Awlaki (just as imperial Nero slew Roman citizen Paul of Tarsus), and refounded the nation on the basis of a few ideological principles and executive power which did nothing but alienate the Constitution from the Declaration?
The "spiritual" views of the founding generation of enthusiasts found opposition to such tyranny completely synonymous with obedience to God, but we are largely found on the other side of the argument today.
They wouldn't know us, and if they did they'd take up arms against us.