Saturday, May 9, 2015

Red Letter Rachel is preoccupied with the wrong first person

Rachel Held Evans, quoted here:

My mother used to tell me that we weren’t the type of people to air out our dirty laundry.

What she meant was good Southern girls didn’t go around talking about their troubles or divulging their secrets.

But this is a cultural idiom, not a Christian one.

We Christians don’t get to send our lives through the rinse cycle before showing up to church.

We come as we are–no hiding, no acting, no fear.

We come with our materialism, our pride, our petty grievances against our neighbors, our hypocritical disdain for those judgmental people in the church next door.

We come with our fear of death, our desperation to be loved, our troubled marriages, our persistent doubts, our preoccupation with status and image.

We come with our addictions–to substances, to work, to affirmation, to control, to food.

We come with our differences, be they political, theological, racial, or socioeconomic.

We come in search of sanctuary, a safe place to shed the masks and exhale.

We come to air our dirty laundry before God and everybody because when we do it together we don’t have to be afraid.


". . . work out your own salvation with fear and trembling . . . whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

-- Philippians 2:12; 4:8