Tuesday, December 29, 2015

30-year old Lutherans sit around for three hours drinking beer wondering why death has no urgency

Maybe they should learn to talk to someone who's 50ish and nearer to it, or over 500 and quite dead. Kids these days.

From the story here:

'Booze, scripture and YouTube helped anoint the latest Bible and Brew hosted by Nicholas and Kristin Tangen, both 30 and members of Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church in Northeast. ... The group of 10 debated: Does mortality pack the same punch these days as during New Testament times? “There’s a sense of non-urgency around death now,” Kristin Tangen said about an hour into the group’s three-hour chat. That same attitude might apply to being proactive about goals or recognizing the threat of global warming, she said. We all nestle comfortably into modernity’s promises, she added. Her husband added, “ ‘Live today like it’s your last’ sounds so trite,” but does it have credence? He wondered: Should we dismiss such simple adages?'

For some beer offerings celebrating the 500th anniversay of the Reformation, with some choice Luther quotations, see here.