Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Lament of the Day: Rod Dreher calls Homer's Odyssey a "novel"

Here, also not realizing the epic poem was sung:

[Bob Dylan:]

Specific books that have stuck with me ever since I read them way back in grammar school – I want to tell you about three of them: Moby Dick, All Quiet on the Western Front and The Odyssey.

[Rod Dreher:]

He goes on to discuss those three novels, and how they affected his understanding of the world, and in turn, his music. One of the greatest popular musicians of the 20th century, the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, got his start in what we now call classical education — one that gives the student “a way of looking at life, an understanding of human nature, and a standard to measure things by.”

Here’s part of his description of The Odyssey. He makes it sound like a folk song. He makes it sound like real life . . ..

Dreher also seems blissfully unaware that after Paul's Damascus Road conversion he eventually disappeared for about 10 years, no doubt reassessing his new found faith in Christ against his native tradition in Pharisaism:

Isn’t this what all serious religious pilgrims and truth seekers do? After their epiphany, they submit to tradition — not just the more recent tradition, but big-T Tradition.