Sunday, May 5, 2019

Rachel Held Evans, 37-year old mother of two, died yesterday; I prefer to remember Aaron D. Wolf, 45-year old father of six, who died on Easter

The LCMS Calls a Post a Post:

Liberal onlookers will never understand or accept the public and decisive condemnation of [same sex] heresy, because they hate Christian doctrine with the zeal of a fundamentalist.  It is not enough for them to mock the Bible and its teachings; they cannot fathom the continued existence of a millennia-old religion that, when pressed, refuses to embrace everything it has always opposed.  They clutch their pearls and express surprised horror whenever a conservative church body like the Missouri Synod expels someone for repeatedly and openly violating its clearly stated beliefs. ... [T]he liberals are winning in the public square.  But they can never win in our churches, so long as faithful clergy and laity stand up to them boldly, decisively—and swiftly, before damage is done.