Friday, June 12, 2020

Timothy Dalrymple of Christianity Today calls on Christians to pay reparations to black people

It's absurd on its face, and for many reasons, the most interesting to me being the way Dalrymple falls into the trap of depersonalizing Jesus' call to individual repentance and restitution and mistaking it for a social program. 

This is the magazine, remember, which opposed the dropping of THE BOMB to end WWII.

You remember Tim, by the way. He thinks Mormons, who still give safe harbor to polygamists, excel at family values.

He's also been rather too curious about competitors' web traffic statistics. You might say he's seemed a little too interested in that, jealous even.

And now it's time for Christians, who've done nothing wrong, to pay black people, who were never wronged.

Tim doesn't tell you that Black Lives Matter wants more than reparations. It wants redistribution of wealth.

Maybe that doesn't bother Tim. Maybe he thinks that's what Jesus wanted. If he does he should come right out and say that Jesus was a communist.

I'm sure evangelicals everywhere would find that quite interesting.

At any rate, the Tim Dalrymples of the world are clueless. They sell this as if the mayhem will stop if we make just one more gesture, when what's needed is a firm, loud shout of NO!

Reparations won't stop the mayhem. They will only encourage more.

It's editorials like this which further cement my decision long ago to leave the fever swamp American Christianity has become.

Whatever I've become, at least I'm not nuts.