Friday, October 23, 2020

Anti-Christian Pope Francis rebuked by fellow Catholics for his same sex civil unions recommendations recently made public

Catholic leaders condemn Pope Francis’ endorsement of same-sex unions   :

Cardinal Raymond Burke, a frequent critic of Francis, said the pope’s comments should be “rightly interpreted as simple private opinions of the person who made them.” “Such declarations generate great bewilderment and cause confusion and error among Catholic faithful,” Burke, a member of the Vatican’s highest court, said in a statement Thursday on his website. He added that Francis’ views were contrary to Catholic teachings.

Bishop Thomas Tobin, of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence, also agreed with Burke that the pope’s statement “clearly contradicts what has been the long-standing teaching of the Church about same-sex unions.” “The Church cannot support the acceptance of objectively immoral relationships,” Tobin said in a statement. “Individuals with same-sex attraction are beloved children of God and must have their personal human rights and civil rights recognized and protected by law. However, the legalization of their civil unions, which seek to simulate holy matrimony, is not admissible.”

Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, went even further, calling the pope’s gay support “confusing and very dangerous,” according to the National Catholic Reporter.