The old progressives—whether Marxists, socialists, or New Deal liberals—wanted to construct a better world, and they had an idea of what that would look like. “The new frenzy is an activism not of construction but of negation” in which “the point is to undo, to liberate and emancipate."
Thus, “the mode is one of undoing, taking apart, deconstructing, and critique, all in the name of emancipation, liberation, self-determination, and choice.”
This frenzy of negation is all-consuming and self-consuming. Snell notes how the sexual revolution, predicated on infertility and the termination of pregnancy, now turns against the sexed body itself, with the ideology of transgenderism.
The frenzy of negation will never end, it should be noted, for these activists “do not seek anything.” Thus, there is no goal, just a constant conflict against objective reality.
Nature abhors a vacuum, and those who fail to reproduce, or who extinguish themselves, will be replaced by those who do reproduce, and by those who give each other life and build rather than dismantle and destroy.
Do not sing "keep me free from birth". Choose life.