Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Looks like the Vatican's "Italian is the pope's second language" excuse isn't going to fly lol


Pope Francis has reportedly once again used the Italian word for “faggotry” when addressing a private meeting, a move likely to cause headaches for the Vatican press office and a case of whiplash for gay Catholic advocates who have long considered the pontiff an advocate.

The Italian news service ANSA reported that on Tuesday, during a meeting with priests in the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome, Francis said “In Vaticano c’è aria di frociaggine” – meaning “In the Vatican, there is an air of faggotry.”

The meeting was considered private, and the pope did add that gay men can be “good boys,” but that they shouldn’t be let into seminaries.

During a May 20 closed-door meeting with Italian bishops, Francis reportedly used the same term, and said gay men shouldn’t be let in the priesthood.
