Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Advocates for Mary as co-redemptrix suffer blow, Vatican decides there is no Lourdes on the Amstel


In a letter dated 11 July, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) informed Bishop Johannes Hendriks of Haarlem-Amsterdam that the alleged Marian apparitions in the Dutch capital had been ruled non supernaturalitate and were therefore not recognised by the Vatican. ... 

A foundation called “Lourdes on the Amstel” ... collects funds for a planned pilgrimage church modelled on Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia to be built in the south of the city to mark these visions. It also wants Mary to be proclaimed “co-redemptrix” in Marian dogma, a cause among some conservative Catholics but not supported by the Vatican. Catholic teaching says Jesus is the only redeemer of mankind.

Read the whole thing here.