Thursday, August 15, 2024

Minnesota Lutherans are a forgiving lot

But in 2006, his campaign repeatedly told the press that he had not been drinking that night, claiming that his failed field sobriety test was due to a misunderstanding related to hearing loss from his time in the National Guard. The campaign also claimed that Walz was allowed to drive himself to jail that night. 


Walz repeatedly saying that he retired with a rank he achieved but did not retire with ...

Walz nodded in agreement at that statement -- despite the fact that, according to military records and his own admission, he had never served in Afghanistan. ...

Walz appears to have been aware prior to his retirement that his unit was under consideration for deployment. ...

However Walz did not remain in the role long enough to keep the title in retirement. Still, Walz repeatedly referred to himself as a "retired command sergeant major" for years.