Monday, December 30, 2024

Oh no! Rod Dreher's demonic UFOs appear more in wealthier areas and sightings increase during economic recessions

After accounting for weather conditions and external factors, they found that reports of such phenomena were more common in wealthier regions  . . ..

"We found that wealthier areas report more unidentified aerial phenomena, while such reports increase during economic recessions within specific regions, suggesting that public attention shifts more toward unusual events during times of crisis,” he added. ... the public showed increased attention to unusual phenomena (like UAPs) during recessions, likely due to having more free time or a decline in distractions caused by other economic factors.
"Our findings also indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic, with its movement restrictions and lockdowns, led to a significant rise in UAP reports, suggesting that when daily pressures ease, public attention shifts more toward extraordinary events.
Reported here.
"Idle hands are the devil's workshop".