Friday, July 16, 2021

Pope Francis, Vatican II reactionary, reinstates restrictions on Old Latin Mass, echoing reactionary Biden administration

The old symbolism of the priest facing the altar with the congregation, emphasizing the unity of priest and congregants, is completely lost on these people:

In 2007, [Pope] Benedict removed a rule requiring a local bishop’s permission to celebrate the old Latin Mass. Francis not only reinstated that rule but added other restrictions.  

In dioceses where groups celebrate the old rite, also known as the Tridentine Mass, bishops must also work to determine that the celebrants “do not deny the validity and the legitimacy” of the Second Vatican Council, which helped shape many church reforms. Among those changes were the popularization of Mass in the vernacular, making worship more accessible to regular Catholics.

In a letter accompanying his decision, Francis said he was “saddened” that the use of the old Latin Mass often doubles as a rejection of the Second Vatican Council, under the argument that its reforms “betrayed” the church’s true traditions. But Francis said that to doubt the council is to “doubt the Holy Spirit himself.”

“The great issue for the Catholic Church has always been the question of change,” said David Gibson, director of Fordham University’s Center on Religion and Culture. The old Latin Mass had become “a wedge issue, to divide, to elevate one part of the church as superior to other parts of the church,” Gibson said. “And that is intolerable.”  

In the Latin Mass, the priest often faces away from the congregation. The rite also includes the use of particular — often elaborate — vestments.



Meanwhile the Biden administration, which has deliberately ceded control of the US southern border with Mexico where tens of thousands of illegals now routinely cross seeking "asylum", has put its foot down and publicly warned Cubans fleeing communist tyranny that they are not welcome in the United States, resurrecting the intransigence of the late Clinton administration made infamous in the affair of Elian Gonzalez, who was forcibly repatriated to Cuba.

Cuban refugees do not make reliable Democrat voters.


